September 4, 2018 You are at a hockey game or a concert and there are open seats in sections that are much better than yours.Is it OK to move to a better seat?Yes, they’re empty so why not (0.00%)No, you should sit in the seat you paid for (100.00%)Previous Polls August 31, 2018 The last day of August is considered to be the last day of summer by meteorologists.How would you rate this summer’s weather?One of the best ever (33.33%)One of the better ones (33.33%)About average (0.00%)Not that good (0.00%)Terrible (33.33%)Previous Polls August 30, 2018 Gas prices are regulated in all of the Maritime provinces but they aren’t in provinces like Ontario.What do you think of gas price regulation?I’m for it.We have more predictability (0.00%)I’m against it.It costs money for regulation.Let the marketplace decide. (0.00%)Previous Polls August 29, 2018 In some countries and cities, single use plastic bags are banned.Should single use plastic bags be banned across the province?Yes- it’s all about the environment (100.00%)No- it’s about convenience (0.00%)Previous Polls August 28, 2018 How do you feel about police officers wearing body cameras?Yes, I am all for it.Cameras don’t lie (100.00%)Yes, but only in exceptional circumstances (0.00%)No, it is an invasion of personal privacy (0.00%)Previous Polls August 27, 2018 Would you prefer to work longer hours if it means working 4 days a week?For example, working 10 hours a day for 4 days and then getting 3 days off.Yes (100.00%)No (0.00%)Previous Polls August 24, 2018 In Quebec, beer and wine can be sold in convenience and grocery stores.Should it be the same here?Yes - It’s all about convenience for me (20.00%)Yes - If they can set their own prices (0.00%)No - The system we have now works just fine (80.00%)Previous Polls August 23, 2018 Should Canada have a national prescription drug program similar to the United Kingdom, where most people receive prescription drugs at no direct cost?Yes, it should be part of our national healthcare system (80.00%)No, we will all pay for it one way or another (20.00%)Previous Polls August 22, 2018 With the US charging tariffs on Canadian products like steel and aluminum, are you changing your shopping habits to buy more Canadian products? Yes (0.00%)Not yet, but I will (0.00%)No (100.00%)Previous Polls August 21, 2018 Who would you choose as the greatest Canadian of all-time?Tommy Douglas (0.00%)Terry Fox (0.00%)Pierre Trudeau (0.00%)Chris Hadfield (0.00%)Wayne Gretzky (0.00%)Sir John A MacDonald (0.00%)David Suzuki (0.00%)Don Cherry (100.00%)Previous Polls